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Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Bijbelse vrouwen die hun mannetje stonden

De eerste zaterdag van de maand schuiven we aan voor Eye-openers, een gesprek aan tafel over verrassende kunst of verrassende teksten. Op 7 maart zijn dat teksten uit de Bijbel waarin vrouwen een hoofdrol spelen. Voorafgaand aan internationale vrouwendag lezen we Bijbelse verhalen over vrouwen die hun mannetje staan.Ze heten bijvoorbeeld Judith, Jaël, Salomé, Debora, […]

Afgelast – Verbonden en toch vrij leven

Encounter is een stichting zonder winstoogmerk die al vijftig jaar bestaat. Er werken alleen vrijwilligers die tot doel hebben de relaties tussen mensen te versterken en te verdiepen, door een nieuwe vorm van communicatie aan te bieden. Dit gebeurt in de eerste plaats op weekenden. Brandpunters Simone Pieterse en René Verhage hebben goede ervaringen met […]

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