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Kerststal St. Josephkerk open

Veel is de komende Kerstperiode anders. Geen volle kerken, geen grootse familiesamenkomsten en weinig activiteiten in dorpen en steden. Om nu toch Kerstmis te kunnen vieren opent de St. Josephkerk de kerststal voor bezichtiging. Veel is de komende Kerstperiode anders. Geen volle kerken, geen grootse familiesamenkomsten en weinig activiteiten in dorpen en steden. Om nu […]

Kerststal St. Josephkerk open

Veel is de komende Kerstperiode anders. Geen volle kerken, geen grootse familiesamenkomsten en weinig activiteiten in dorpen en steden. Om nu toch Kerstmis te kunnen vieren opent de St. Josephkerk de kerststal voor bezichtiging. Veel is de komende Kerstperiode anders. Geen volle kerken, geen grootse familiesamenkomsten en weinig activiteiten in dorpen en steden. Om nu […]

Kerststal St. Josephkerk open

Veel is de komende Kerstperiode anders. Geen volle kerken, geen grootse familiesamenkomsten en weinig activiteiten in dorpen en steden. Om nu toch Kerstmis te kunnen vieren opent de St. Josephkerk de kerststal voor bezichtiging. Veel is de komende Kerstperiode anders. Geen volle kerken, geen grootse familiesamenkomsten en weinig activiteiten in dorpen en steden. Om nu […]

Kerstdienst 2020

Op eerste kerstdag zal de NGK Amersfoort-Noord een speciale kerst-livestream dienst uitzenden. Omdat het dit jaar niet mogelijk is bij elkaar te komen hebben we ons best gedaan deze dienst met veel liefde, aandacht en warmte samen te stellen. Uiteraard met veel zang en muziek en van jong tot oud. Judith Gerkema zal de dienst […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

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