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Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is about talking, sharing, and listening to a talk about some of the big questions. And then having a chance to talk and share and learn with each other. You could say, it is a place to ask questions? Why pray. Why read the Bible? Who was Jesus? Does God heal today? And so […]

Levende verhalen

Dit is het tweede deel van een drieluik over oorlog en bevrijding, ter gelegenheid van 75 jaar bevrijding. Dit keer aandacht voor onbekende Amersfoortse verhalen. Hettie van Nes tekende het verhaal van haar vader op in het boekje ‘Kindertrek met fraters’. Vanuit Amersfoort vertrokken tijdens de hongerwinter tientallen kinderen te voet de stad uit in […]

Steek een kaarsje aan voor een overleden kind

Op zondag 8 december is het Wereldlichtjesdag. Dan steken mensen om 19.00 uur wereldwijd kaarsjes aan en denken aan hun overleden kind(eren). Op deze dag wordt er in de wijk Nieuwland in de Boogkerk een activiteit georganiseerd voor ouders, broertjes en zusjes van overleden kinderen.Op zondag 8 december is het Wereldlichtjesdag. Dan steken mensen om […]


De Kerstlichtjestocht wordt jaarlijks, vlak voor Kerst, georganiseerd door leden van 2 kerkgemeenschappen. De kerk De Lichtkring (GKV Emiclaer en GKV De Horsten) en PKN De Hoeksteen. Het doel is om iedereen in Amersfoort kennis te laten maken met het Kerstverhaal in een sfeervolle ambiance. Je wordt verwelkomd met tromgeroffel en Romeinen. De route gaat […]

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